Book Two of the Five Crowns of Okrith

Eighteen-year-old Ruadora Dammacus now possesses the Immortal Blade. But when Rua discovers the Northern King’s uncle is alive and has cast a spell on a blue witch army, she realizes that the battle is just beginning.
Venturing into the Northern Court, Rua finds herself with an unlikely ally in the new King. Her problems are mounting, and the handsome King is only one of them. With the eyes of her newfound family on her, can Rua prove herself worthy of the Immortal Blade or will its magic be too powerful? Danger, intrigue, and thrilling passion ensues as Rua battles to break the witches’ curse.
Personnel Thoughts
This Book is vastly different from The High Mountain Court. We are now following Remy's sister Rua and oooohhhh is she different in the best possible way! Where Remy grew up loved and actually cared for, Rua was not (not really). Rua was a reminder of everything the red witches lost. Yes, she was taken care of, but she was always on the outside. And that kind of up bringing shows in how Rua acts and the decisions she makes. She's risky and pretends to be unfazed! I found her unnecessarily complicated and annoying, but I found so much of myself in her. Anytime she pushed away anyone it was a reminder of the times I had done the same. Rua is annoyingly relatable.
This book does bring back some of our favorite characters. The Twin Eagles bring a light heartedness to this heavy emotional book. It also introduces new characters you come to love. We also get to see life through the blue witches point of view. Traveling north in the North Kingdom with the King of the Northern Court. Which means the story will never be boring and very much surprising. If you're not upset with Rua, you will be at the King of the Northern Court. And when you don't want to shake some sense in those two. You are rooting for them and their character development.
Yes thats right I said you will be rooting for the King of the Northern Court. Hard to imagine, but I promise you will. I love a story about second chances and proving you can change.
The Witches' Blade gives us a team we want to root for, a team we want to be apart of, and a team we want to have a happy ending.
Final Score